Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Cheapest Kolkata Street Food | Bengoli Food In Kolkata | Mitra Cafe Kolk...

Kolkata Street Food review by globalcentre on their Youtube channel.
It features both Veg and non veg food. 

The Man Who Said Yes

 A man went to a Buddhist monastery for a silent retreat. After he finished, he felt better, calmer, stronger, but something was missing. The teacher said he could talk to one of the monks before he left.

The man thought for a while, then asked: “How do you find peace?”

The monk said: “I say yes. To everything that happens, I say yes.”

When the man returned home, he was enlightened.

This one is actually real. The man is Kamal Ravikant. In an interview, he shares his interpretation of the monk’s advice:

“Most of our pain, most of our suffering comes from resistance to what is. Life is. And when we resist what life is, we suffer. When you can say yes to life, surrender to life and say: “Okay, what should I be now?” That’s where power comes from.”

When the weather is bad, when your crush won’t answer, when the obstacle won’t budge, don’t say no. Don’t dig in your heels and push and shove until your veins pop out in frustration. Say yes. Accept. Breathe. Life is flowing. Always. It’s us trying to swim upstream. Let the current carry you instead.

reposted from 

Animal Jokes from ducksters

 Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?

A: A bull-dozer.

Q: How do you fit more pigs on your farm?

A: Build a sty-scraper!

Q: What did the farmer call the cow that had no milk?

A: An udder failure.

Q: Why do gorillas have big nostrils?

A: Because they have big fingers!

Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?

A: Spoiled milk.

Q: Why are teddy bears never hungry?

A: They are always stuffed!

Q: Why do fish live in salt water?

A: Because pepper makes them sneeze!

Q: What do you get from a pampered cow?

A: Spoiled milk.

Q: Where do polar bears vote?

A: The North Poll

Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked in the court room?

A: Odor in the court!

Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss?

A: Ouch!

Q: Why did the snake cross the road?

A: To get to the other ssssssside!

Q: Why are fish so smart?

A: Because they live in schools.

Q: What do you call a cow that won't give milk?

A: A milk dud!

Q: When is a well dressed lion like a weed?

A: When he's a dandelion (dandy lion)

Q: How does a lion greet the other animals in the field?

A: Pleased to eat you.

Q: What happened when the lion ate the comedian?

A: He felt funny!

Q: What fish only swims at night?

A: A starfish!

Q: Why is a fish easy to weigh?

A: Because it has its own scales!

Q: What do you get when a chicken lays an egg on top of a barn?

A: An eggroll!

Q: Why didn't the chicken cross the road?

A: Because there was a KFC on the other side!

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: To show everyone he wasn't chicken!

Q: Why did the lion spit out the clown?

A: Because he tasted funny!

Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?

A: To prove he wasn't chicken!

Q: What animals are on legal documents?

A: Seals!

Q: What do you get when you cross a snake and a pie?

A: A pie-thon!

Q: What is 'out of bounds'?

A: An exhausted kangaroo!

Q: What did the buffalo say to his son when he went away on a trip?

A: Bison!

Q: Why didn't the boy believe the tiger?

A: He thought it was a lion!

Q: How do bees get to school?

A: By school buzz!

Q: What do you call a bear with no ears?

A: B!

Q: What animal has more lives than a cat?

A: Frogs, they croak every night!

Link to original post here

Funny Hindi Jokes Of The Day


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

SHOGUN: The Historical Events That Followed The Ending Of The Show

A brief video elaborating the climax of popular FX series Shogun on Disney. 

Hindi Jokes

 अगर 35-36 की उम्र तक तुम

किसी के बाबू-शोना नहीं बन पाए हो...
समझ लो तुम सिर्फ
जनगणना के लिए ही पैदा हुए हो...!

पति - पुलिसवाले की बीवी होकर
उसी की जेब से पैसे चुरा रही हो...!
पत्नी - ये लो दस रुपये,
मामले को यहीं रफा-दफा कर दो...!

चिंटू - यार तूने इतने छोटे-छोटे बाल क्यों कटवाए...?
पप्पू - नाई के पास तीन रुपये खुल्ले नहीं थे, तो 
मैं बोला- तीन रुपये की और काट दे...!

पति- इस महीने में तुम्हें और पैसे नहीं दूंगा. पत्नी- आप बस मुझे 500 रुपए उधार दे दीजिए..आप की तनख्वा मिलने पर मैं आपको पैसे वापस कर दूंगी.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Hindi Jokes

आज वो पुरानी फिल्मों वाले लड़की के

बाप हमें क्यूँ नहीं मिलते




जो हमेशा बोलते थे..

“ये रहा blank cheque और दफ़ा हो जाओ मेरी बेटी की ज़िन्दगी से”



12 साल बाद वो जेल से छूटा

मैले कुचैले कपड़ों में बहुत थका

हुआ घर पहुंचा. घर पहुंचते ही

बीबी चिल्लाई:

कहां घूम रहे थे इतनी देर?

आपकी रिहाई तो 2 घंटे पहले ही हो

गई थी ना?

वो आदमी वापस जेल चला गया.

पत्नी: ‘पहले मेरा फिगर पेप्सी की

बोतल की तरह था…’

पति: ‘वो तो अभी भी है…’

पत्नी खुश होकर: ‘सच…’

पतिछ ‘हां,

पहले 300 ML की थीं…

रमेश (नौकर से) – जरा देख तो

बाहर सूरज निकला या नहीं?

नौकर – बाहर तो अंधेरा है.